Students Across The Country Including Omaha Will Walk Out Of Class Today

The demonstration aims to demand stronger gun safety laws and to honor the 17 students and teachers killed in a school shooting in Florida last month. The walkout, involvong at least 28-hundred schools and universities including Omaha, will begin at 10 a.m. and last 17 minutes, one minute for each person killed at Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida. 

Peter Owens is a senior at Creighton Prep. He will not be walking out Wednesday.

"I think at Creighton prep a walkout is a good idea for students to make their voices heard. For me personally, I think getting an education and staying in class will be more beneficial to me and my ideas in the long term," said Owens.

Creighton Prep Principal, Jim Bopp, said this statement in part, "...any student who chooses to leave class...will need to be prepared for the academic and disciplinary consequences..."

Then there are students like Abbie Donaldson. Abbie is a sophomore at Millard West. She is taking a non-political approach by organizing a before school safety rally.

"Planning for about 300 people or more maybe. It's based towards safe schools instead of gun control or anything political like that," said Abbie.

While those demonstrations are going on, the House is scheduled to take up a school safety bill.

The measure would pay for threat assessments and to train students, teachers, school officials and law enforcement to detect early signs of violence.

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