Man Jumps to the Rescue After Dog's Leash Gets Caught in Elevator

A quick-thinking Texas man saved a dog after its owner got onto an elevator holding its leash, but didn’t realize the dog hadn’t followed her inside. In video footage, Johnny Mathis is seen getting off the elevator as she gets on, leaving the dog behind as the elevator doors close.

Mathis is seen running to grab the Pomeranian and trying to pull it down and unbuckle it as the elevator rises and the dog moves up with it. He finally unclips it, picks up the dog, and holds it until the owner returns.

He admits it was “super scary” and says the owner was “terrified” and screaming as the doors closed. “There was nothing she could have done. She’s new to the building so I think she wasn’t expecting it to shut so fast," Mathis says. “I felt terrible for her. It was an honest mistake.” To see the video, click below ↓

Source: Fox News

Image Credit: Twitter/Johnnayyee

Man Jumps to the Rescue After Dog's Leash Gets Caught in Elevator

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