9 Yr Old Boy Sells Pet Paintings to Raise Money For Shelters

After you hear this story, it proves that you don't have to be an adult to make a difference in the life of dogs...anyone at any age can do it. 9 year-old, Pavel Abramov took on a big responsibility by helping an animal shelter. He sells the custom painted drawings in exchange for buying food and supplies for the shelter.

He began the "Kind Paintbrush" project, started by Pavel and his mom in Russia after they lost their beloved dog. Pavel will make a contract with the new owner where he sells the custom portrait in exchange for food, medicine, toys anything really for the dogs living at the shelter. When Pavel grows up he wants to become an architect and build an animal shelter. To read more about this story, click on Pavel's picture below and one of his many paintings ↓

Source: TruthTheory.com

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