Cat Wears Tiny Scarf Wherever She Goes

We meet a 17 yr old cat named Cinnamon and she is pretty special. So, her human sister, Ella, knitted a soft white scarf but it was really small she couldn’t give it to anyone. So, she decided to give the little scarf to Cinnamon.The family didn’t know what to expect since Cinnamon had never worn clothes but from the moment that scarf touched Cinnamon’s back she fell in love. She now wears it around the house all the time and if they try and take off the scarf she gets mad.And if the scarf falls off she will stop where the scarf fell off and wait for her humans in the house to pick up the scarf and put it on her back. To read the whole story and see how Cinnamon acts when the scarf falls off, click the man in the scarves below ↓


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