Traditional Bridal Bouquet Toss Turns Into Plot Twist

As most of us are aware of bridal traditions, one includes the throwing of the bridal bouquet. A bride was filmed getting ready for her to toss her bouquet. You know that when that single person catches the bouquet, traditionally, they're the next to get married.

As the bride goes to toss the flowers, she stops. Everyone was in suspense and confuses as to why she stopped. She turns her head and shakes it as she was walking toward one of her bridesmaids. This chosen bridesmaid has no idea what is going on then the bride hands her the bouquet and laughs. The bride turns her around and there is her boyfriend, who is down on one knee, holding up a diamond ring.

She was completely shocked and totally happy! The bride was gracious enough to share her big day with some of her dearest friends.

Source: Upworthy

Traditional Bridal Bouquet Toss Turns Into Plot Twist

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