UPS Driver Goes Viral For Selfies With Dogs

UPS driver Jason “Jay” Hardesty thinks he may have the best job ever. He spends his days delivering packages along his route in New Orleans and stops to snap selfies with adorable puppies and dogs he meets.

His pet project started about two years with him taking photos with cute canines and using the hashtag #pupsofjay, but it’s gone viral and he now has nearly 100-thousand followers on Instagram and thousands of likes on each post. Jay says the pet owners on his route are pretty cool when he asks if he can take their picture, telling him, “You’re going to make my dog famous!”

The 11-year UPS veteran says his favorite part of his job is getting to take a break to hang out with the animals he meets. And as long as his deliveries are on time, everyone’s happy. “I definitely get a lot of positive feedback,” Jay says. “I really appreciate that because this year has been horrible and the fact that I can make someone smile, even for a second, means a lot to me.”

Source: Good Morning America

UPS Driver Goes Viral For Selfies With Dogs On Route

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