What were YOU doing 45 years ago today? Lucas was changing everything.

I don't feel old knowing this. I DID see Star Wars in the theater. (Star Wars: A New Hope to the younger generation.)

My mother use to find her escape in movies, so she would drag us along to see movies I never wanted to see, but I DID see them because of her. I TRULY did not want to see some "war" movie. My father took us to Tora Tora Tora and Midway and those movies scared me to death! I saw Little Big Man, Silent Movie (Mel Brooks), The Jerk, And Now For Something Completely Different, Gum Ball Rally... all as a kid in the theater. I am glad she did. I wish she was still with us to ask her one question that I never did. Why Star Wars? I don't know why it was an important movie then when it had JUST opened. We sat in the very front row at Indian Hills and it was not easy to see, but it was amazing.

Lucas started filming on this date 45 years ago. Thanks, George. Click here to see the story.

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