My husband always says "Head on a swivel" when driving.

Maybe it's ok to miss seeing somethings. This priest never saw the car. He just drove on to deliver Sunday Mass.

I thought I saw some very quick movement across the road a few days back. I slowed WAY down and it's a good thing I did.

4 very young deer just slowly walked across the road right in front of my now stopped car.

This is what I always tell young people. You HAVE to watch the road not just directly in front of you, but far off in the distance. Watch the cars around you, too. Are you seeing break lights 1/2 a mile ahead, not just from one car? That could indicate a problem.

While we are on the subject, when you merge getting ON an interstate or HWY, USE THE ON RAMP TO GET UP TO SPEED. The ramp is not the time to slow down and look all around you. The cars you are merging in to will give you space ESPECIALLY if you are up to the speed limit before you try to merge.

The OFF RAMP is when you DEcelerate (unless, of course you have a short ramp. Then use your best judgement)

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