A young boy has been reunited with his beloved stuffed animal after leaving him behind in a Cincinnati airport terminal. When airport staff found the toy dalmatian, they put out a call on social media to try to find its owner. And while they were waiting, they kept the dog entertained with fun adventures.
The stuffed animal got to ride on the tarmac, work with a gate agent and even check out the cockpit of a plane, all while wearing a face mask. Airport employees took photos of the dog’s escapades to show its owner it was in good hands and having fun.
Eventually, they tracked down the boy it belongs to, six-year-old Jayden, who lives in Florida. He received the Dalmatian as a gift from the judge who finalized his adoption, so it is very special to him. The toy pooch was flown back to Florida and the boy and his dog have been reunited and he is thrilled.
Source: Today