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> December 2020
Harrison Ford is not a fan. Of WHAT????
Now there are 3, but, what IS the difference?
Make sure to catch this on Thursday night at 11PM!
What does a Petula Clark song have to do with the Nashville bombing?
A deer gets caught in a hammock. MONTHS later, it's free!
Who else misses this?
It will take time for this to ACTUALLY happen for land owners; flood relief
Oh OH! The PCR test... has some problems.
Waiting for casino gambling in Omaha? Here's the latest.
The city says complaints are down. Probably not in this area.
I really held out hope this could be worked out. No, not happening.
We made the list! Most beautiful rooms.
Only ONE group of people saw a mental health BOOST during Covid.
Someone on your list hard to BUY for? Use your imagination.
Steve Perry accepts his aging voice.
THIS. We need to SEE more of this. It happens DAILY.
Lauren Cohan has a short term new gig. Yes, Lauren Cohan from Walking Dead.
Great, good choice... but.... NO NEIL PEART???
Honey bees are taking care of the hornet problem themselves!
My heart is happy watching this.
Your trash will be picked up. BUT... who decides how much is "excess"?
Not my job. No further explanation needed. Even though it is my job.
So it WASN'T Paul's fault the Beatles split?? That's what he says.
Remember when ya just threw some bulbs up on the eves?
An 11 year old child should be celebrating her birthday today.
Mask mandate for Papillion
Oh oh! 7500 people still have their garbage. It will get better.
I need live music. I want to be standing in front of a stage.For now, this.
T-Rex roams the house and it's the sweetest thing. Survivor!
I want to kiss their whole faces!! Now they can run away from the kisses!