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> April 2021
The Mask Mandate will expire in Omaha
Bean/Abe kept getting returned...
River clean-up. EXCELLENT!!! (Is that a Hamm's Beer can???)
So... what are the immigration laws for Japan? Looks like an option.
I GUESS the way to buy a lottery ticket is when you don't have any plans?
Who ate the biscuits?
THIS is a new nope rope. It's invading the US and it's not good.
Live music is returning to Holland Center Outdoors this summer!
Hobby Lobby shopping secrets with the Deal Guy!
Could humans become venomous? Insert joke here... For real though, yeah.
An artist was given pen and paper. And LSD (1950's) Watch what happens.
What are the most covered songs of all time? Basically, 3 categories.
Hey, what's happening here? It's getting better in Iowa.
I was just going to skim through these.Now I can't wait to try them!HACKED!
It's all in the scales! Conspiracy! Theft! Fraud! At the Landfill?
Have you seen this yet? Cool or turn down the brightness?
A new bike lane approved by City Council. Downtown.
I looked at the calendar and thought, Oh, it's almost tax day! Its not.
Do you think Madonna and her daughter look alike?
OK, you can wait to recycle THIS box, but then DO IT!
Doctors say when this is over, you should stay home with a cold.
The Shining. Re-imagined as a 90's sitcom...
Well, this is pretty cool. Long lost video (film) of John Lennon
Remember that one time when you couldn't buy beer?
What a messy mess with Journey! It's settled now.
Be aware there is a scam happening over property taxes. No, an actual one.
How did I not know about this? We have really talented people here.
Milo and Cracker are friends.