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> June 2021
Traveling? Here are some tips to help if you're traveling by air.
Those toys you've been "saving" for your kid long graduated from college...
Wait til you get to the snake... I meant the Nope Rope.
Is this you? Hint: it's everybody!
So THIS is what Eric Carman was talking about in "Hungry Eyes" ??
This is getting very little attention in news. We should all be concerned.
The Hulk can hear again!!!!!!!
We. Don't. Deserve. Dogs. Again. Check out this life saving good boy!
Join KGOR for Hydrate for Hope for the Open Door Mission
Are you from the south? Have a laugh...
WHY can't you just DO AS YOU'RE TOLD? Oh. He does.
If you cry easily, skip this story. It's beautiful, but sad.
There are terrible people among us. Hope she gets caught.
Ha! I asked if you remembered this! Now you don't have to!
His nickname is "Ringtone". I LOVE Rob Riggle and after this, you will too
Get a weird text lately? Do NOT connect to this %p%s%s%s%s%n !!
Don't get mad, just have fun with these terrible songs from the 70's!
Oh NO! Don't wreck it! Mysteries that aren't so mysterious anymore.
I don't care who you are this will make you smile.This fawn likes this kid.
I had a chance to talk to James "JY" Young of Styx today.
Wow. Now we have even more freedom to pay NO attention to where we go.
THIS is why I don't take my dogs for walks on the street. ATTACK!
The Summer Arts Festival will be virtual this year. Too bad.
I am traumatized by the lemon in this comparison article.
Ewwww you can catch the pox from your cat?
I am not ashamed to love my country.
He's afraid of kittens. It's ok to be scared. Don't laugh. LOL
Ryan Larsen turned 12 yesterday and NO ONE is giving up.
I already saw this movie and I know how it ends. It's not good.
Jetsons... here we come! Flying cars ARE possible.
So, the dollar bill on your windshield IS a real thing?!?
Ooops. Don't break in to a house. REALLY don't break in a house like this.
Because Grandparents are angels in disguise.
What the heck is 3D listening? It's cool. All I need to know. Here's more.
It seems the company is not saying much, but this could be a big deal.
The giraffe is here to help!