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> February 2021
Having a bad day? 50 people say "hold my beer."
I don't know if you are following Perseverance, but I am FASCINATED!
I'm no sports expert. It seems this could be intentional. Also, not.
Puppy surprise gifts videos are my weakness.
Help is coming to a dangerous stretch of road.
I don't know how relaxing they would be to make, but I can't wait to try!
Ireland, Illinois. They're kind of the same, right? Did you plan your trip?
Didn't think I COULD love this song (and video) more. I was wrong.
Find good where you can. Hope where it lives. And love everywhere.
Too many similarities NOT to be related! This is weird.
Ok, it's cold. May as well have some fun with it.
SCOOTER!! Oh my! What a great story to warm your heart!
A lot of "Lawyer Speak" in here, but it does seem a bit shady.
New info on the ethanol plant in Mead...
I can't even explain this.... BUT I LOVE IT! Tiny face!
This is a good lesson. Trial periods. Riiiiiiiiiight.
Android users! Have you been hit with a LOT of ads recently?
What if getting ripped was part of your JOB? (Yes, PAID)
New Orleans... DRY? Yup. For 4 DAYS!
So he WAS in Nebraska. At least for a minute?
Science. Scientists can be funny. "It looks like a muppet" ?
It's a few years old, but still worth sharing. (This is NOT the actual cat)
Stupid facial recognition! Don't like punching the code to open your phone?
Have you seen the Sea Shanty guy yet? BRILLIANT!
OVER CONFIDENT in your thought? These had me giggling out loud!
Nope. NOOOOOO just not ever.... going to Australia...
We all talk about watching the commercials, so here are some to re-live!
I'm sure you've heard by now, but if you haven't we lost Dustin yesterday.
I do not support this. Yeah, it's great to be comfortable. Or IS it?
No vaccine sign-up website for Council Bluffs. Yet.